Tuesday, December 20, 2016

favorite apprentice episode

Season 2: Episode 2

1. Both teams had to create an Ice Cream and sell it who ever made the most money won.

2. team leaders: Apex: Ivana Mosaic: Kelly

3. Reward: A fancy dinner

4. Board room : Stacy R, Jen C, Bradford

5 Fired: Bradford, Trump was infuriated that Bradford gave up his immunity to try and cater to his team.

6. I really liked this episode because it showed the winning team Mosaic come up with a great idea to make doughnut flavored Ice Cream and execute their plan perfectly, the episode emphasized teamwork and strategy. I also liked the twist at the end when Bradford got fired and he didn't even bring his bags because he thought he was safe.

7. This episode showed that when you work as a team and have a good plan in place you can get through any task. Also when you have an advantage in life or anything for that matter never take that for granted like Bradford did.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Commercials 1960's to 2016

                                         1963-" First McDonald's commercial" 

2016- " Signature Crafted menu"

Monday, December 12, 2016

Current event

During the NFL's my cause, my cleats week, the NFL allowed player to wear cleats to support a charity of their choice without getting fined by the league. Eagles WR Dorial Green-Beckham wore Yeezy 350 cleats designed by future President elect Kanye West. Beckham claimed he was supporting the "Yeezy Foundation" oddly enough there is no record of that foundation. Beckham ended up getting fined by the league for wearing Kanye West designed cleats ( he was the second player this year fined for this) The fine was for $ 6,076.


Image result for Dorial green beckham yeezy cleats

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Survey Results

Looking at the results there were 10 responses, 7/10 think there should be more clubs. 4/10 think that wood-shop should return 6/10 were a maybe.. This shows that people are more mixed on the return. But only 25% said that they would take the class. If I could fix one thing about the survey I would ask for gender to see how many men and women would think wood-shop should return and see how many think that it should not return to High School.

Friday, October 21, 2016


Goal #1:Food Club establishment

1. We would have to get a meeting with McSweeny to get the club started.

2. Next we would need a teacher to supervise the club each club needs a teacher.

3. To try and get more member we would have flyers around school and have a slot in the morning announcements to try and get the club noticed.

Goal #2: Wood shop comeback

1. To try and get wood shop back in school we would likely have to try and get signatures from students and some staff to try and bring it back.

2. We would also need to get a teacher for the class maybe a new hire.

3. Last we would need to get a budget for the class so students will be able to use the funds to buy the wood and the tools for the class.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Early video games

Image result for pokemon yellow-1998

Image result for pokémon omega ruby and alpha sapphire gameplay-2015

Dates-First video game was invented in 1958, it was a tennis game. In 1971 Computer space became the first arcade video game.

Console- The Atari was one of the very first consoles made. Today the main consoles are the PS4 and Xbox One.

Handheld games- The Lynx was the first handheld game, it was made in 1989. Now the most popular handheld game is the Nintendo 3ds.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Marketing Mix report

The Video games NBA fans are given are lackluster. NBA 2k has their server problems and is becoming more about paying them money rather than playing the game. NBA Live will never be able to gain the ground it has lost being gone for 10 years before announcing their comeback in 2014. NBA fans deserve a game that is both fun to play and rewarding to people who put time in the game. With improvements to game modes and to the game play, NBA Splash 17 will rise to the top and give the NBA fans what they deserve.

Target Market:
Middle to collage students, mainly males, people who like basketball.

NBA Splash 17 is an NBA game that will have face and body scan graphics, advanced gameplay and addictive game modes that reward the player for playing the game.

Price: The game will be sold for $59.99

NBA Splash 17 will be sold for PS4, Xbox one and PC, at local Game stops, Targets, Walmarts, and online at amazon.

There will be ads as well as an open beta for fans to be able to play the game before it comes out when it is in beta. The game will also be advertised by NBA Legend Kwame Brown.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

NBA game table

 Game Names
 Target Market
 NBA 2k17
NBA 2k17 Coverhttp://nba2k17news.com/nba-2k17-cover-star-announced-shocking-reveal/
 Game stop,target,Walmart,amazon,eBay
 Basketball fans Males( 8-25)
 My career, My GM, My Team
 NBA Live 16
 Game stop,target,Walmart,amazon,eBay
 Basketball fans Males( 8-25)
 My career, Ultimate team, Franchise
 NBA Street Showdown

 Online (eBay,amazon)
Kids (6-15) 
 Pick up games

Monday, October 3, 2016

Friday, September 23, 2016


Gen Y

  • Gen Y- Children of baby boomers, Grew up with computers, labeled as lazy and idiotic as well as rebelious.
  • https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/mar/07/millennials-generation-y-guide-to-much-maligned-demographic
  • Image result for gen yImage result for rebellious
  • TV shows- Family guy, Friends
  • Movies- Star Wars, Harry Potter
  • Magazines- People, US weekly 
  • Entertainment- ACDC, Rick Astley
  • vacation spots- Miami, Hawaii  

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Image result for pokemon go

  • App-Pokemon GO
  • target market-anyone who plays or has played Pokemon. Younger kids are the main target to get the app.
  • Appeal-Its's appealing because its Pokemon this is a part of lots of people's childhood. Playing the games, or watching the TV show Pokemon will always have a special place in many people's hearts. Plus who wouldn't want their own Pokemon? 
  • Why it faded- At first the game was great people would go out and try to catch as many Pokemon as they could. As the game lifespan went on some completed everything, some just got board of the app. With some new controversial updates and a constant denial by the company  about certain glitches they lost the trust of the fans to continue to make the game great.
  • Replacement- There has been nothing as of late to replace Pokemon Go.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

NFL Color Rush Top Jerseys

Since last season the NFL has introduced new"Color Rush" Jerseys for each team to wear on Thursday Nigh Football. Before this decision Thursday Night was always a lackluster game that had no meaning to people who where not fans of the teams that where playing. Now adding vibrant Jerseys the NFL tries to compel the casual attempting to get more views on the games. Fans may be willing to tune into the games more often now.

I am a fan of most of the new jerseys. This is also a great idea for the NFL to try and bring life to the jerseys. Plus all of the cool jersey designs will be able to see for a decent price. Fans may crave their favorite player on these new jerseys. This great marketing scheme by the NFL will defenetly bring jerseys sales up.

5. Bucs
4. Chargers
3. 49ers
2. Ravens
1. Steelers

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


- Grade 12

- family info I live with both my parents and a sister who is a sophomore

- School interests I love History and learning about America's past

- Outside interests I am interested in sports and sports radio

- TV interests I my favorite TV shows are South Park, Rick and Morty, and Dragon Ball Z

- Books Harry potter series

- Other interests Video games

- Favorite place to eat McDonald's