Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Image result for pokemon go

  • App-Pokemon GO
  • target market-anyone who plays or has played Pokemon. Younger kids are the main target to get the app.
  • Appeal-Its's appealing because its Pokemon this is a part of lots of people's childhood. Playing the games, or watching the TV show Pokemon will always have a special place in many people's hearts. Plus who wouldn't want their own Pokemon? 
  • Why it faded- At first the game was great people would go out and try to catch as many Pokemon as they could. As the game lifespan went on some completed everything, some just got board of the app. With some new controversial updates and a constant denial by the company  about certain glitches they lost the trust of the fans to continue to make the game great.
  • Replacement- There has been nothing as of late to replace Pokemon Go.

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